Bye Bye

 Writing this blog, I am very sad that this program is over. I am incredibly grateful to have been able to be a part of this study abroad trip. I genuinely feel like I have learned so much and gained such valuable experience in working in a different environment from this program. At the same time though, it has genuinely just been really fun, I have never traveled like this before, and doing so with very cool people, some of which I was already very close with, has been amazing. Ok back to the trip.

The days since the last post have mostly been spent working on the final project. After deciding on the ceiling tile idea, my group got a bit lost in the details trying to figure out a way to make a 3 piece sandwich tile that would cover up the aluminum frames used for drop ceilings and hold insulation, lights, etc. It led to some interesting discoveries and discussions, but it was ultimately getting way too complicated and over-designed. It was also stalling our workflow and ability to brainstorm because we would just get stuck on every detail of attachment, strength, weight, etc. Thankfully, after more than an entire day of this way of thinking, Pfeifer had the idea to embrace the aluminum frame and just incorporate it into our pattern. From there, everything became much simpler and I felt like our team started working together better from then on because it was easier to be on the same page. We worked on it some more that day and solidified a bit more, but then had to call it a night, eat and rest. 

Taking a break from working on the project to do some final tours / workshops, we first did a paper craft workshop. I really enjoyed learning this craft, even though mine didn’t turn out great, because the instructor was really engaging and funny. I was really into the texture of the paper after squishing it down on the first step. After that, we did a matcha tasting, which was delicious, and then explored the area a bit more before having a really good sushi lunch. 

From then on, it was just work work work until the end of the project. I was mainly in charge of sketches and renders, which I honestly really enjoy doing so it wasn’t too bad. It took a while to workshop materials and colors, but I am pretty happy with what we landed on. While I was doing that, Pfeifer was cooking up a brand language, Carolyn was writing content, David had made the Solidworks file, and Ming was compiling some research. I came together with David to work on the prototype, and realized we didn’t have enough material, so we had to rush to the craft store. I got to borrow Ming’s UBike card and ride with David to save time, which was really fun, I wish I could have biked around the whole trip honestly. After that we finished the prototype with some help from Carolyn and Ming to hold down the glued spots before they set. Once that was ready to dry, we went out for a really good hotpot dinner and some mango ice (minus Pfeifer because she had to leave earlier). It was really nice, and I enjoyed spending time like that with my group. After that, we parted ways pretty quickly to grind out the rest of our work at home separately because the presentation was almost done and I just needed to finish and edit the renders still. 

The presentations the next day were really fantastic to see. I felt proud of my group and what our idea had become, but seeing everyone else’s made me realize how much work everyone put in. Jennifer’s group I hadn’t seen at all, and everyone else’s I had only seen the very rough version of a day or so prior, and seeing the finalized, very fleshed out projects made me realize how much everyone did in such a short span. It made me really appreciative of the talent I am surrounded by. A lot of us went out to celebrate that night, which was also very fun.

Once again, I am so grateful to have been a part of this program. I was really excited going into it, but I don’t think I had a clue how educational and inspiring it would actually be. I had so much fun, and feel a reignited passion for design as well as a confidence in my abilities after working with such varied groups in such a short period of time that I am pretty excited for the school year to start. Thank you Meichun for putting on this program, and I hope you continue it so future students can get this same experience.


  1. The final deliverables of your project are amazing! I particularly like how you placed the prototype on the actual drop ceiling in Professor Chang's office—that was a smart move. You should definitely be proud of your work and your design talent!


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