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Bye Bye

  Writing this blog, I am very sad that this program is over. I am incredibly grateful to have been able to be a part of this study abroad trip. I genuinely feel like I have learned so much and gained such valuable experience in working in a different environment from this program. At the same time though, it has genuinely just been really fun, I have never traveled like this before, and doing so with very cool people, some of which I was already very close with, has been amazing. Ok back to the trip. The days since the last post have mostly been spent working on the final project. After deciding on the ceiling tile idea, my group got a bit lost in the details trying to figure out a way to make a 3 piece sandwich tile that would cover up the aluminum frames used for drop ceilings and hold insulation, lights, etc. It led to some interesting discoveries and discussions, but it was ultimately getting way too complicated and over-designed. It was also stalling our workflow and ability to b

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